Vincent Avanzi

Chief Poetic Officer, Speaker, Auteur (Trouver son Point Génial), Plume de dirigeants, Leadership coach, Storytelling expert


Vincent Avanzi est un Chief Poetic Officer, conférencier, plume de dirigeants, coach en leadership et fondateur de La Plume Du Futur. Ancien diplômé de l’ESCP, globe-trotter et salarié du CAC40 (Dior, EY, Microsoft), ce passionné de poésie a développé le concept de la « poésie d’entreprise » pour faire le pont entre le business et la sagesse et ainsi redorer les richesses humaines de nos êtres de noblesse. Auteur de huit ouvrages dont « Trouver son Point G-énial » (Marabout) et « Les Leaders Eclaireurs » (en partenariat avec Les Echos), il accompagne dirigeants, collaborateurs, marques et organisations sur le réenchantement de leur storytelling, l'art du discours, l’alignement de leur leadership, la créativité artistique, l'intelligence collective et leur engagement sur le sens et l'impact. Il délivre enfin de nombreux discours poétiques inspirants dans des conventions internationales (plus de 500 interventions poétiques) et anime des ateliers collectifs sur le pouvoir des mots qui réenchantent le monde. Il a dernièrement lancé un projet "CoBuild20, a blueprint for a world post Covid19" pour coécrire l'avenir dans le monde d'après. Du capitalisme au Cap humanisme. Son mantra : « Le sens de la vie est de trouver ses dons, le but de la vie est d’en faire don aux autres » (Pablo Picasso) Site : ------- Références : Sustainable Brands (Vancouver, Paris, Madrid, Istanbul, Copenhague...), Les Echos Formation, VISA, Air France, Orange Innovation School, France Télévisions, SNCF, Christian Dior, Chanel, Procter & Gamble, Sanofi Aventis, Crédit Agricole, Open Government Partnership, Sénat, CESE, OuiShare, MBA HEC, European Patent Organization, Société Générale, Total, Stand Up 4 Passion, COP21, ESCP, Printemps de l'Optimisme, URSSAF, Galderma Nestlé, Institut des Futurs Souhaitables, Utopies, Salon des Entrepreneurs, Banque Populaire, Eklore, Accenture, Cap Gemini, Plant A Tree, Modanisa, Université du Bonheur Au Travail, Le Printemps de l'Optimisme...


  • Conference : 5500 €
  • Webinar : 5500 €


Paris, France


French, English

Les thèmes de ce conférencier

His/Her talks

Conference #1

The Poetry of Words To Reenchant the World

A poetic conference on the power of words and dreams to imagine and cowrite the future ​ Poetry in ancient Greek means “to create or make” so the poet is both a dreamer and a doer, a created of new worlds with the use of the subtle magic of words. Poetry is an expression of dreams and ideals, a journey into the future and the unexplored. It is a burst of optimism and is the linguistic path allowing us to touch the array of infinite possibilities The purpose of “Corporate Poetry” is to inspire the audience, reveal hidden talents, connect to others and touch people’s hearts with the “love quotient” of brands. As Charli Chaplin once said “Poetry is a love letter addressed to the world”. So let’s write a better sustainable future together! Poetry and Prospective Workshops : Design possible and desirable futures, help the audience connect to your vision and make them part of your brand, connect them to their artistic talents and empower them, project each participant into the future to write the future together in a common horizon, get new ideas and slogans for your brand, animate your community in an original and unique way, use the art of poetry to convey your ideals. Bio : Vincent Avanzi is a Chief Poetic Officer, Inspirational Speaker, Leadership Coach and founder of The Ink of The Future. Journalist for the newspaper Les Echos, he is the author of 2 world tours, 3 TEDx and 5 books including “Harmony and The Genius Spot of Mankind”. Former manager with a life passion for poetry, he invented the concept of “Corporate Poetry” to bridge the gap between business and wisdom, poetry and prospective, leadership and harmony. He is now delivering inspiring key notes, poetic speeches and workshops on how to develop the human potential and design new horizons for our future, in public and corporate events across the world. He is also a consultant on “poetic brand identity”.

Conference #2

Enlightened Leaders : Elevate the world with your Genius Spot

The Enlightened Leaders of the Future "We are not born leaders, we become one... team" A conference for inspirational leaders of tomorrow bridging the gap between business and wisdom, happiness and revenue, poetry and strategy, creativity and optimism, leadership and team-building, using the letter H as the backbone for the future of corporations on the 21st century capitalism. Change your self before changing the world, learn how to build inspiring speeches and set an engaging vision in the horizon for teams to follow your lead towards a common future. Discover the first 4 pillars (Humanity, Horizon, Harmony, Heart as your "G-enius Spot" also known as"Ikigai") in this article. This conference is a unique chance to live and experiment a initiatory journey to become a true aligned empowered and engaged leader. Both deep and entertaining, interactive and inspiring, this is a moment to return on the essentials and focus on the future. Other H include Hero, Hope, Happiness, Humility, Honesty, Home and Hacking on Hot topics. The conference will begin on an inspiring poetic speech on human capital and leadership and will end by a poetic manifesto "Queen/King's Speech" by the audience. ​How can we become inspiring and enlightened leaders of the future? Seek our personal essence, align our self with our mission and find our talent zone. Cultivate our brand authenticity and embody our values to illuminate our common horizon. Elevate the world with meaningful speeches as a way to engage our teams and audience. This inspirational keynote based on the 4H of Enlightened Leadership will look at the way to reveal the most beautiful version of yourself as a leader and spokesman of your own cause. We are not born a leader, we become one. Pick a word and change the world. Bio : Vincent Avanzi is a Chief Poetic Officer, Inspirational Speaker, Leadership Coach and founder of The Ink of The Future. Journalist for the newspaper Les Echos, he is the author of 2 world tours, 3 TEDx and 5 books including “Harmony and The Genius Spot of Mankind”. Former manager with a life passion for poetry, he invented the concept of “Corporate Poetry” to bridge the gap between business and wisdom, poetry and prospective, leadership and harmony. He is now delivering inspiring key notes, poetic speeches and workshops on how to develop the human potential and design new horizons for our future, in public and corporate events across the world. He is also a consultant on “poetic brand identity”.

Conference #3

The power of words to reenchant the world

A poetic conference on the power of words and dreams to imagine and cowrite the future ​ Poetry in ancient Greek means “to create or make” so the poet is both a dreamer and a doer, a created of new worlds with the use of the subtle magic of words. Poetry is an expression of dreams and ideals, a journey into the future and the unexplored. It is a burst of optimism and is the linguistic path allowing us to touch the array of infinite possibilities The purpose of “Corporate Poetry” is to inspire the audience, reveal hidden talents, connect to others and touch people’s hearts with the “love quotient” of brands. As Charli Chaplin once said “Poetry is a love letter addressed to the world”. So let’s write a better sustainable future together! Poetry and Prospective Workshops : Design possible and desirable futures, help the audience connect to your vision and make them part of your brand, connect them to their artistic talents and empower them, project each participant into the future to write the future together in a common horizon, get new ideas and slogans for your brand, animate your community in an original and unique way, use the art of poetry to convey your ideals. Bio : Vincent Avanzi is a Chief Poetic Officer, Inspirational Speaker, Leadership Coach and founder of The Ink of The Future. Journalist for the newspaper Les Echos, he is the author of 2 world tours, 3 TEDx and 5 books including “Harmony and The Genius Spot of Mankind”. Former manager with a life passion for poetry, he invented the concept of “Corporate Poetry” to bridge the gap between business and wisdom, poetry and prospective, leadership and harmony. He is now delivering inspiring key notes, poetic speeches and workshops on how to develop the human potential and design new horizons for our future, in public and corporate events across the world. He is also a consultant on “poetic brand identity”.

Conference #4

Un Chief Poetic Officer pour réenchanter votre avenir et votre entreprise

Un Chief Poetic Officer vous accompagne toute l'année : 1) Conférences poétiques : Changer les mots pour réenchanter le monde 2) Discours Poétiques : Ecriture et interprétation en conventions ou séminaires 3) Conférences Leaders Eclaireurs : On ne nait pas leader, on le devient 4) Workshops créatifs : Des voyages d’écriture introspective et de partage collectif 5) Plume de dirigeants : L’écriture de discours inspirants, incarnés et impactant 6) Masterclass Point Génial : Trouver sa voie de singularité et faire son Job Up 7) Maître de Cérémonie Poétique : Réenchanter et sublimer vos événements 8) Conseil en Communication : Manifestes et slogans de marques engagées 9) Séminaires : Du JE au Nous, une transition positive pour sortir de la crise 10) Conception sur mesure de keynotes et interventions poétiques (audio/webinar) Plus d'infos : Langues : Français / Anglais

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