Emma-claire Fierce

1ere Française à avoir traversé les eaux du Japon à la nage, en maillot de bain. Écrivaine reconnue et publiée internationalement


Emma-Claire Fierce est une écrivaine, conférencière et nageuse extrême française. Reconnue après avoir terminé la traversée du Tsugaru Channel en juillet 2019 (en maillot de bain), elle a établit un record du monde dans l'univers de la natation internationale. Emma-Claire Fierce est la première française à nager l'Oceans Seven. L'Oceans Seven est un défi de natation d'endurance extrême composé de sept traversées en plein oceans. Conçu en 2008, il comprend la traversée de la Manche, le détroit du Cook-Strait, le Molokaʻi channel, le Catalina Channel, le détroit du Tsugaru, le North Channel et le détroit de Gibraltar. Emma-Claire Fierce est également la 1ère française à avoir traversé la moitié du North Channel le 1er août 2020 en 9 heures. Le North Channel est une des traversées les plus complexes et endurantes physiquement au monde en raison des conditions extrêmes : météo, courants océaniques, expéditions, méduses ...) Fierce a découvert la natation à l'âge de six ans et a commencé l'écriture dès son plus jeune âge avec des poèmes à sa grand-mère. Sa passion pour les arts et la recherche scientifique l'a entrainée sur cette voie unique où elle a créé l'univers OCEANS7VEN. L'univers OCEANS7VEN nous réserve de nombreuses surprises dont au cœur la saga "Oceans Princess Lands". La saga "Oceans Princess Lands" mélange réalité et monde imaginaire. Les écrits d'Emma-Claire Fierce sont fortement influencés par ses connaissances dans les domaines de la psychologie et de la biologie. Le 1er livre de la saga "Oceans Princess Lands" est "Tsugaru : 9H51min24Sec".


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French, English

Les thèmes de cette conférencière

His/Her talks

Conference #1

V - CROSSING PATHS: Being a sexual Indivisum a Male-Female Mess

V - CROSSING PATHS: Being a sexual Indivisum a Male-Female Mess Being a woman or a man is not a statement, it is a biological fact. Let's not get lost: sex is not sexuality. So let's break the silence of the differences, and let's talk about it. Up to now and linked to the latest mass media concerns, affirming one's sex or sexuality has been seen either as a threat, a revendication, or a political position that can bring all sorts of different issues. Yet, the only thing we have done so far is state our biological identity. Why does this acknowledgment bring so many issues? And how does understanding oneself bring one more power ?

Conference #2


IV - CROSSING PATHS BUILDING FUTURES : The Big Mess Covid has just made it clear and visible for everyone. The world is a One and Unique Big Mess. We are all in it together. In addition of being its creators, aware or not, we are all writing the history of humankind together. In these crossing paths, which role are you taking? In your life? In someone else's life? For a month? A year? A lifetime ? And when war arises what does separate us from living in a peaceful environment, all together, dealing without losing one's mind?

Conference #3


II - SEEING & CREATING PATH(S) Each one of us is the creator of one's own life, either aware or unaware of it. Creators, actors, and passengers of a time that is only ours and yet enclosed in a far bigger whole universe. Emma-Claire Fierce might have chosen to make her own path, but still, it is in some closed oceans. But let's not talk about her, let's talk about you. And before, you shall know more about how brains function. Yes, there are several brains, and somehow being a visionary is not a common thing, especially in a world running on rationalism outranking idealism.

Conference #4


Adult ? Children ? Mind and Soul ? Neither we are born in an adult form nor with a conclusive mind. Our body and mind are shaped and always evolving/adjusting to external and internal factors but how does that work? How are we shaped by our environment and can we deliberately choose to shape them differently? Are our personal traits definitive and if so when do we know that? These are all questions Emma-Claire Fierce tries to give answers with her knowledge and research in psychology and her experiences in trauma, resilience, and self-transformation.

Conference #5


Oceans: unique universe, full of diversity, all water-made. Strangely and almost unexplainable that it brings us to life, yet, we are not made to live in it. Can this big contradiction make sense? Emma-Claire Fierce can operate for hours in this environment which is not made for us at a high level of performance physically and mentally. How is this possible? How can humans accomplish such extraordinary performance? What does it take to operate at this level?

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