Alice Pailhes

Docteur en Psychologie - TED et Keynote Speaker

Docteur en psychologie, ma recherche porte principalement sur les processus décisionnels, le libre arbitre et l'illusion de contrôle en utilisant des techniques d'influences des magiciens. Je mène diverses expériences originales et innovantes avec des tours de magie, montrant à quel point nous pouvons être facilement influencés (nos pensées ou nos choix) tout en nous sentant totalement libres et en contrôle. Mes recherches ont été publiées dans des revues scientifiques de renoms (PNAS, JEP:General, Trends in Cognitive Science...) et je les rends accessible au grand public via mes conférences et apparitions dans divers médias tels que TED, à la BBC, au Victoria & Albert Museum ou à la Wellcome Collection. Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur mon travail à: Et voir mon TED talk sur:


  • Conference : 2500 €


Bordeaux, Londres


French, English

Les thèmes de cette conférencière

His/Her talks

Conference #1

Tricks of the mind

Our brain is complex, and our 100 billion neurons allow us to accomplish wonders. However, our brain also has its weaknesses, and we sometimes end up fooling ourselves! Coming home from the store with items we didn't need in the first place, creating false memories, or failing to notice a gorilla moonwalking right in front of our eyes ... Research in psychology shows that our minds often make us experience curious things. In this conference, Dr. Alice Pailhès presents some of our brain's oddities by popularizing fascinating scientific research. Through the psychology of magic tricks, suggestion and blind spots in our brain, Alice will take you on a journey to the heart of the strange flaws in our decision-making, attentional and memory processes. The conference can be adapted to several durations (from 40 min to 2 hours) and is presented in two or three main parts you can choose from: -How our choices are influenced without us being aware of it (magic tricks, nudge, visual salience ...). -How we can create false memories (suggestions, manipulation, misinformation ...) -How our perceptions and our attention can be manipulated (misdirection, inattentional blindness, change blindness ...) The goal is to learn in an interactive and fun way about the blind spots of our brain, and leave the room knowing how to take advantage of this knowledge in our everyday life!

Conference #2

The Psychology of Magic - What tricks tell us of free will

Do you know why you do the things you do? And are you sure you know why you chose what you chose? "Take a card, any card," the magician tells you. "Are you sure you want this one? You can change your mind if you'd like, it has to be a completely free choice". But is it, really? In this talk, Dr. Alice Pailhès will take you through the fascinating techniques that magicians and mentalists use to influence your choices, while you are still feeling in control of what happened. Magicians have powerful ways of influencing people’s decisions, and these processes provide a useful tool to study our sense of free will and agency. Presenting a card in a strategic position, playing with your psychological biases, or even inserting in your mind a specific thought without your awareness, magicians' secret techniques will be revealed... Dr. Pailhès will present in an engaging and entertaining way the current psychological research highlighting that our subjective experience of free will may be an illusion and that instead many of our choices are influenced by a number of unconscious factors. Through the science of magic, she will present how these tricks also tell us a lot about how we are influenced in our day-to-day lives, and what to do to make freer and better decisions. From the illusion of control to the automatic thoughts that cross our minds, to the surprising flexibility of our political preferences, her presentation will review various topics studied by scientists using magic tricks, as well as their astonishing results.

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