Eric Hubler

Auteur-conférencier international spécialiste du "Leadership par l'Equilibre", créateur de la méthode "Aïkido Management" (


Souvent décrit comme un ‘’révélateur’’ et entrepreneur dans l’âme, Eric Hubler a débuté sa carrière aux Etats-Unis en tant que responsable de l’Alsace Trade Office à Los Angeles. Puis après un séjour prolongé en Amérique du Sud, il devient responsable export Europe d’une PMI française leader mondial dans son domaine. Entre 1994 et 2005, Eric est en charge du développement commercial de la société familiale HUBLER SA qui, en 2004, sera classée par Le Figaro Entreprises parmi les PME les plus performantes de France, avec des résultats exceptionnels. Les clés de cette réussite ? La culture de l’excellence globale et la judo-stratégie. En 2005, il quitte l’entreprise familiale pour se lancer, seul cette fois, dans l’aventure entrepreneuriale. Il crée alors la société Altamira Développement et lance un concept innovant de formation au Leadership, la méthode AIKIDO MANAGEMENT® inspirée de sa double pratique du management et des arts martiaux. A ce jour, il a accompagné plus de 250 organisations et formé plus de 8000 dirigeants, managers et collaborateurs en France et à l’international. En parallèle, il a lancé en 2016 avec son épouse la start-up « Clébard-concept » ( qui propose une solution innovante, haut de gamme et écoresponsable de literie pour chiens fabriquée en France (concept breveté). Son premier livre « L’Equilibriste » co-écrit avec Philip Blanc est devenu un bestseller traduit dans six langues. Il est également l'auteur de "Light" et co-auteur de "Leaders-Plongée au coeur du commandement et du management".


  • Conference : 7000 €




French, English

Les thèmes de ce conférencier

His/Her talks

Conference #1


AIKIDO, a Japanese martial art signifying the "Way of the harmonization of energies", is also an exceptional way of leadership based on the principles of BALANCE and MOVEMENT. Aikido is notably known for its peaceful approach to confrontation which consists in knowing how to skillfully use the strength of one's opponent and how to use it to one's advantage to neutralize it. During this energetic conference, you will discover in an interactive way how to optimize your energy as well as that of your teams, and how to develop your efficiency but also your agility as a leader. You will also familiarize yourself with powerful concepts inherent in this extraordinary discipline, such as centering, right distance or non-resistance to take a new look at the levers of individual and collective performance. It is also an opportunity to learn how to deal more calmly and effectively with conflict situations.

Conference #2

The DOJO spirit-The path of Presence, Kindness and Resilience

An inspiring dive into the world of DOJO and MARTIAL ARTS to strengthen your leadership, regain a solid personal and professional balance, boost positive energy in your teams, create cohesion or overcome conflicts and crises with agility . You will discover in particular how to progress on the path of Presence, Kindness and Resilience by acting on 3 essential levers: the right posture, the right action and the right relationship. Eric Hubler, international author-speaker specializing in "Leadership through Balance" and creator of the "Aikido Management" method, offers you a unique deep approach that thousands of people around the world have already experienced. His energetic conference will offer you an unforgettable experience during which you will have the opportunity to experiment some principles at the crossroads of the worlds of management and martial arts. Author of several books on leadership and balance, his first book "The Equilibrist" has become an international bestseller translated into 6 languages.

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