Benoît Quémar

Le design thinking pour tous et partout


Animateur et conférencier expert en empathie et innovation. Expert en vulgarisation et en application du design thinking au quotidien. Aide les entreprises à se transformer en sachant replacer l'humain et leur finalité au coeur de leurs activités tout en traduisant et déclinant cette finalité à tous les niveaux pour que chacun trouve ou retrouve du sens dans son travail. Coach en prise de parole en public et en expression orale et écrite pour dirigeants, managers et apprentis ; bénévole pour Paris Digitale et d'autres associations ; maître de cérémonie et producteur d'événements indépendant. Ancien rédacteur-en-chef adjoint de 20 Minutes, créateur d'une agence Web. Fondateur de Courir Paléo et du défi Puremar. Bilingue FR-EN, a vécu 12 ans au Canada anglophone et au Royaume-Uni, citoyen français et canadien.


  • Conference : 2000 €
  • Webinar : 1500 €
  • Animation : 2000 €




French, English

Les thèmes de ce conférencier

His/Her talks

Conference #1

The unexpected benefits of design thinking

More and more cited but not well understood or not enough used in the workplace outside design or creative departments, design thinking or human-centered design is a simple creative approach, not a method, which is surprisingly refreshing, effective and transforming. In any domain or sector, for any project or process, it helps save time and money, reduces big mistakes, and improves communication and human relations as well. Understand design thinking in a very simple manner, and realise that it can be applied daily, and not just during 3-day or 5-day "sprints" to improve a product or a service. Discover that starting from the end is much more creative, inspiring and effective than from the start... and that this reverse approach also allows to not forget anything on the way, surprisingly. Realise that collective intelligence is easy to trigger and to mobilise, in order to create new ways to work together and alone, and new forms of organisations, which are defined and designed by the purpose of the activities and their participants, internally and externally, and not by their structure, as they've been in the last centuries. Learn the three keys of transforming any organisation that will allow it to overcome today's crisis and disruptions.

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