Dr Valérie Coester



Dr en médecine générale et psychiatrie Instructrice en mindfulness et yogathérapie Certifié méthode Search Inside Yourself développée chez Google pour wellbeing et performance Experte en neurosciences


  • Conference : 4500 €


Paris 16


French, English

Les thèmes de cette conférencière

His/Her talks

Conference #1


Doctor of medicine, mindfulness and yoga instructor, I propose to transmit simple health tools to you in order to unify your body, your heart and your mind. By integrating these different pillars of balance, you will be able to set up efficient and fast daily rituals, in order to feel fully ALIVE and to calmly cross the challenges of your life. Thanks to a fun and interactive approach, you will emerge with 5 fundamental keys: - a better understanding of your body (brain, heart, intestines, muscles, etc.), the body, this vehicle whose beauty and spontaneous intelligence will be perceived - a motivation to integrate obvious and easy health tools - short exercises to integrate into your everyday life: in transport, at work, at home, with your friends, ... - a clear and structured action plan to organize you - a clear idea on the guideline of your life

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